A Liturgy for life

Monday Morning Prayer

We gather to meet with God
Father, Son and Holy Spirit

To give God praise
And to seek God’s face

To bring before God all our days
And every part of our lives

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, draw near to us
As we draw near to you.


As individuals and as a community we hold before God our regrets and our failings

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

I turn to Christ
I turn to Christ

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

Lord Jesus
Healer of souls, purifier of our hearts
As we, your fractured people
Begin this week
Help us to never lose sight of you
No matter what the week brings
Give us the wisdom, grace and humility
To seek out the leading of the Holy Spirit
That our lives would be conformed to your life
And that our wills would be shaped by your will

A reading from the book of Psalms


A reading from the Old Testament


We give thanks for God’s creation and hold before him the need to be good stewards. We pray for those places blighted by natural disasters. We pray that God would guide us as we seek to live as responsible citizens.


The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.

Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Into your world we go
Bearers of your message
Witnesses to your love
Go with us as we venture out
Burn bright in our hearts
And lead us in the way of everlasting Life

Monday Mid-day Prayer

We gather to meet with God
Father, Son and Holy Spirit

To be aware of your presence in our day
For you Lord are here now; your Spirit dwells within us

To bring you our worship
And offer you our praise

To be conscious that you walk beside us
And we do not make the journey alone

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, draw near to us
As we draw near to you


As individuals and as a community we hold before God our regrets and our failings

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

I turn to Christ
I turn to Christ

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

Lord Jesus, master potter,
Lover of all you have made
May we your created
though we are flawed,
be conscious that we are made perfect in you
Enable us to be reshaped in your image
And see your invisible face sculpted in our neighbour’s
That in serving them, we serve you.


 A reading from a Gospel

For all who make a living by the sweat of their brow and the work of their hands – Artisans / Craftsmen / Builders / Farmers / Surgeons


The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.


Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Lead us on as your hands and feet on this earth
Livers of your life, bearers of your gifts
Enable us to share
All that you have given us
Joyfully, generously, purposefully
As you give us opportunity to do so.

 Monday Evening Prayer

As the night draws near,
we look to you, God.

As we reflect on this day
we look to you, God.

Seeking hope for tomorrow,
we look to you, God.


Loving Father,
for the things this day that have brought us joy,
We give you thanks.

Healing Lord,
for the things this day that have brought us sorrow,
Bring peace.

Spirit of life,
in the closing of this day,
Give us rest.

Lord of all,
May the day that has passed and the week that has begun bring opportunity in the lives of your people to love those we meet, as you first loved us.
May the thanks and praise of your people rise like vapour to you this evening, and grant that we may see your hand in our lives.

A reading from the book of Psalms

A reading from the New Testament


Heavenly Father,
as your world sees days ending and beginning, we pray that your presence be felt throughout every nation, and that your people would be strengthened in their faith, knowing you are here.

The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.

All praise to you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
and as this day comes to a close,
Lord, draw near.

 Monday Night Prayer

The day draws to a close
And the sky grows dark
The sun fades behind the horizon
And the moon takes its place in the sky
So let us pray, to hold before God
The day that has passed and the night to come.

Loving Lord,
We ask that as darkness descends
You would guide us into rest
That we might sleep soundly
Safe in the knowledge of your
Love and protection

As individuals and as a community we hold before God our regrets and our failings

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

I turn to Christ
I turn to Christ

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

A reading from the book of Psalms


A short reading from a Gospel


Space For Reflection
In the silence we hold before God the day now passing into history and we give thanks


Lord, for this day
We give you thanks

Lord, for the moments when we encountered grace and beauty
We give you thanks

Lord, for conversations that have made an impact on our lives
We give you thanks

Lord, for the times when we have seen you at work
We give you thanks

In the silence we hold before God the hurts of the past day


Lord, we remember the times when we have not shown love through our thoughts, words and actions
We seek forgiveness

Lord, we remember the times when we have been hurt by the words and actions of others
Help us to forgive

Lord, we remember the times when we have been distracted from seeking after you
Lord, make yourself known to us, help us to see you in the midst of the noise and clamour of this world

In the silence we hold before God tomorrow and the opportunities it bears


Lord, we pray that your Holy Spirit would guide us into the ways of righteousness
That you would give us strength for the journey

Lord, you know the shape of our lives at this time, you know the delights we enjoy and the pressures we endure.
Guide us and give us wisdom to know your will, strengthen our resolve to discern your call.

Lord, make yourself known to us in the daily pattern of our lives,
Help us to see the fruit borne out of small actions

Lord, help us to live faithfully amidst uncertainty,
Fortify us to be followers in your Way

Lord, help us to not live as autonomous units,
But as fellow travellers on a journey.

Lord, build up the community of which we are part,
And shape it around the cross of your Son Jesus Christ.

Lord, as we sleep tonight, may we rest in the knowledge of your relentless love
When we wake tomorrow, may we be prepared for all that lies ahead

The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.

Loving God
Help us to sleep
Safe in the knowledge of your love
Guard our hearts and minds
That we might sleep peacefully
And wake ready to serve you and
the people we meet

Tuesday Morning Prayer

We gather to meet with God
Father, Son and Holy Spirit

To give God praise
And to seek God’s face

To bring before God all our days
And every part of our lives

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, draw near to us
As we draw near to you.

As individuals and as a community we hold before God our regrets and our failings

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

I turn to Christ
I turn to Christ

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

Lord Jesus
Loving God
You have called us to be a people of justice
A people dedicated to righteousness
Help us to live lives that reflect your love
And your concern for all people
Guide our ways into your way
Open our hearts to those in need
That we might be bearers of your good news
In our words and through our actions.

A reading from the book of Psalms


A reading from the Old Testament


We pray for those who stand for the forgotten people of this world. We pray that God would raise up a generation of prophets and peacemakers who will not be silenced by fear and oppression. We pray for the courage to take our place in this difficult task.


The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.

Father, Son and Holy Spirit
You send us out into the world
Like sheep among wolves
Grant us the strength
To boldly step out in faith
And follow your call
Wherever you lead us

Tuesday Mid-day Prayer

We gather to meet with God
Father, Son and Holy Spirit

To be aware of your presence in our day
For you Lord are here now; your Spirit dwells within us

To bring you our worship
And offer you our praise

To be conscious that you walk beside us
And we do not make the journey alone

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, draw near to us
As we draw near to you

As individuals and as a community we hold before God our regrets and our failings

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

I turn to Christ
I turn to Christ

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

Lord Jesus,
Hope of the helpless,
Christ the compassionate companion
Soften our calcified hearts with the water of your Holy Spirit
and lift our eyes to see those you are
longing to bless today,
That we might be the ones to
choose our words kindly
and use our ears wisely
For your sake O Lord.


A reading from a Gospel

For all those for whom life is a struggle every day.
For the weak, the poor, the needy, the bereaved. For those with physical or learning disabilities


The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.


Father, Son and Holy Spirit
We offer our lives afresh to your service
Now, while it is still ‘day’ for us, and the light
reveals your will clearly.
Motivated always by your life’s perfect example
Shine through us, so we reflect your glory

Tuesday Evening Prayer

Heavenly Father,
rain down over us.

Lord Jesus,
rain down over us.

Spirit of God,
rain down over us.


Loving Father,
for the things this day that have brought us joy,
We give you thanks.

Healing Lord,
for the things this day that have brought us sorrow,
Bring peace.

Spirit of life,
in the closing of this day,
Give us rest.

God of creation,
from whom all things exist and through whom we find life,
pour out your Spirit this evening and cause peace like a river to flow out over your creation.
May we see the day now gone to have been a day lived under your blessing, and as we rest ahead of the trials of tomorrow, wash away our fears.
A reading from the book of Psalms

 A reading from the New Testament


Lord Jesus,
as the cycle of day to night draws once more to a close, we pray that you be with all those who continue to suffer within that pattern.
Provide comfort to the hurting, rest to the weary, and relief to the sorrowful.
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.

All praise to you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
and as this day comes to a close,
Lord, draw near.

Tuesday Night Prayer

The day draws to a close
And the sky grows dark
The sun fades behind the horizon
And the moon takes its place in the sky
So let us pray, to hold before God
The day that has passed and the night to come.

Gracious God
Quieten our hearts
As the busyness of the day now past
Passes into memory
Help us to unfurl ourselves before you
Laying down the burdens
And the baggage of the day

As individuals and as a community we hold before God our regrets and our failings

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

I turn to Christ
I turn to Christ

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

A reading from the book of Psalms


A short reading from a Gospel


Space For Reflection
In the silence we hold before God the day now passing into history and we give thanks


Lord, for this day
We give you thanks

Lord, for the moments when we encountered grace and beauty
We give you thanks

Lord, for conversations that have made an impact on our lives
We give you thanks

Lord, for the times when we have seen you at work
We give you thanks

In the silence we hold before God the hurts of the past day


Lord, we remember the times when we have not shown love through our thoughts, words and actions
We seek forgiveness

Lord, we remember the times when we have been hurt by the words and actions of others
Help us to forgive

Lord, we remember the times when we have been distracted from seeking after you
Lord, make yourself known to us, help us to see you in the midst of the noise and clamour of this world

In the silence we hold before God tomorrow and the opportunities it bears


Lord, we pray that your Holy Spirit would guide us into the ways of righteousness
That you would give us strength for the journey

Lord, you know the shape of our lives at this time, you know the delights we enjoy and the pressures we endure.
Guide us and give us wisdom to know your will, strengthen our resolve to discern your call.

Lord, make yourself known to us in the daily pattern of our lives,
Help us to see the fruit borne out of small actions

Lord, help us to live faithfully amidst uncertainty,
Fortify us to be followers in your Way

Lord, help us to not live as autonomous units,
But as fellow travellers on a journey.

Lord, build up the community of which we are part,
And shape it around the cross of your Son Jesus Christ.

Lord, as we sleep tonight, may we rest in the knowledge of your relentless love
When we wake tomorrow, may we be prepared for all that lies ahead

The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.

Gracious God
Grant us rest
That we might sleep in peace
Ready to face the new opportunities
Awaiting us when we wake

Wednesday Morning Prayer

We gather to meet with God
Father, Son and Holy Spirit

To give God praise
And to seek God’s face

To bring before God all our days
And every part of our lives

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, draw near to us
As we draw near to you.



As individuals and as a community we hold before God our regrets and our failings

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

I turn to Christ
I turn to Christ

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

Lord Jesus
In you we find purpose for our lives
In you we find an advocate for the broken
In you we find hope for the forgotten
Help us to follow in your footsteps
And stand with those who are downtrodden
Those who struggle and those ignored by society

A reading from the book of Psalms


A reading from the Old Testament


We pray for organisations that work with the homeless and the vulnerable. We pray for the work of the YMCA and charities and organizations that support young people with vulnerable home lives. We pray for those that we encounter whose home lives are fraught and fragile.


The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.

Father, Son and Holy Spirit
In you we find rest
As we begin our day
Fill us with expectancy
To meet you in the face of those we see
And in our encounters with strangers

Wednesday Mid-day Prayer
We gather to meet with God
Father, Son and Holy Spirit

To be aware of your presence in our day
For you Lord are here now; your Spirit dwells within us

To bring you our worship
And offer you our praise

To be conscious that you walk beside us
And we do not make the journey alone

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, draw near to us
As we draw near to you


As individuals and as a community we hold before God our regrets and our failings

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

I turn to Christ
I turn to Christ

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

Holy Spirit, heavenly dove
Whose gentle spirit brings strength and power
to speak the truth and stand boldly in faith
Come fill us afresh
And challenge us to live with integrity
Come for we are dry, we are cracked, we are empty
We long for refreshment, and you alone satisfy.


A reading from a Gospel


For all those make a stand for justice and peace, or are supports, carers/ advocates for others. For visionaries /prophets/ those who are courageous enough to swim against the tide.


The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.


Father, Son and Holy Spirit
You send us out into the world
Equipped with all we need
For all we need is found in you
Train us to track your footsteps in life’s forests
And detect the scent of your sweet incense in the air
That in seeking you out we may be found
and in longing for change we might find the Changeless one.

Wednesday Evening Prayer

Heavenly Father,
hear these words.

Loving Lord,
hear these words.

Spirit of comfort,
hear these words.


Loving Father,
for the things this day that have brought us joy,
We give you thanks.

Healing Lord,
for the things this day that have brought us sorrow,
Bring peace.

Spirit of life,
in the closing of this day,
Give us rest.

God in heaven,
you comfort the lonely, bring peace to the restless, and strengthen the weary.
By your grace, and through your mercy, your people have advanced through this week. May we now rest in the hope of renewed comfort, strength, and peace.

A reading from the book of Psalms

A reading from the New Testament


Heavenly Father,
as we reach the midpoint of this week, we look to the opportunities that will arise for the members of our local communities.
Be with those members of our communities who work to better our world, that your Kingdom may become more visible with each passing day.

The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.

All praise to you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
and as this day comes to a close,
Lord, draw near.

Wednesday Night Prayer

The day draws to a close
And the sky grows dark
The sun fades behind the horizon
And the moon takes its place in the sky
So let us pray, to hold before God
The day that has passed and the night to come.

Father God
We come to you weary
And in need of rest
Bear with us as we seek
To live as your disciples
Encourage us as and when
We are wearied by the world

As individuals and as a community we hold before God our regrets and our failings

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

I turn to Christ
I turn to Christ

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

A reading from the book of Psalms


A short reading from a Gospel


Space For Reflection

In the silence we hold before God the day now passing into history and we give thanks


Lord, for this day
We give you thanks

Lord, for the moments when we encountered grace and beauty
We give you thanks

Lord, for conversations that have made an impact on our lives
We give you thanks

Lord, for the times when we have seen you at work
We give you thanks

In the silence we hold before God the hurts of the past day


Lord, we remember the times when we have not shown love through our thoughts, words and actions
We seek forgiveness

Lord, we remember the times when we have been hurt by the words and actions of others
Help us to forgive

Lord, we remember the times when we have been distracted from seeking after you
Lord, make yourself known to us, help us to see you in the midst of the noise and clamour of this world

In the silence we hold before God tomorrow and the opportunities it bears


Lord, we pray that your Holy Spirit would guide us into the ways of righteousness
That you would give us strength for the journey

Lord, you know the shape of our lives at this time, you know the delights we enjoy and the pressures we endure.
Guide us and give us wisdom to know your will, strengthen our resolve to discern your call.

Lord, make yourself known to us in the daily pattern of our lives,
Help us to see the fruit borne out of small actions

Lord, help us to live faithfully amidst uncertainty,
Fortify us to be followers in your Way
Lord, help us to not live as autonomous units,
But as fellow travellers on a journey.

Lord, build up the community of which we are part,
And shape it around the cross of your Son Jesus Christ.

Lord, as we sleep tonight, may we rest in the knowledge of your relentless love
When we wake tomorrow, may we be prepared for all that lies ahead

The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.

Father God
Help us to lay our burdens down and rest
Secure in the knowledge
That you never leave our side
Help us to carry this truth in our hearts as we sleep

Thursday Morning Prayer

We gather to meet with God
Father, Son and Holy Spirit

To give God praise
And to seek God’s face

To bring before God all our days
And every part of our lives

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, draw near to us
As we draw near to you.


As individuals and as a community we hold before God our regrets and our failings

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

I turn to Christ
I turn to Christ

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

Lord Jesus
Champion of lost causes
Redeemer of eternity
Help us this day
To walk in step with your Holy Spirit
That we may find meaning and purpose
That we might speak of your glory
With our words and actions
And that we might be a blessing
To those we encounter

A reading from the book of Psalms


A reading from the Old Testament


We pray with those who seek the conversion of unjust systems. We pray for those who campaign for equal rights and fair treatment of people of every ethnicity. We pray for those who stand with minorities and seek a fairer society.


The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.

Father, Son and Holy Spirit
As we go out into your world today
We ask that you would empower us
To be co-conspirators in your Kingdom
Strengthen our resolve to live radical lives for you

Thursday Mid-day Prayer
We gather to meet with God
Father, Son and Holy Spirit

To be aware of your presence in our day
For you Lord are here now; your Spirit dwells within us

To bring you our worship
And offer you our praise

To be conscious that you walk beside us
And we do not make the journey alone

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, draw near to us
As we draw near to you


As individuals and as a community we hold before God our regrets and our failings

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

I turn to Christ
I turn to Christ

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

Loving Heavenly Father,
All authority in our vast universe is yours
Yours are the fingers who fashioned creation
The unfathomable depths of azure oceans
And startling stars in the heavens without number
All glitter and glint out their grateful praise to You
And cause us to bow earthward in abject adoration.
Holy are you Lord.


 A reading from a Gospel

For all those whose calling in life is to be in authority over others.


The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.


Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Three in one and one in three
Whose authority all are subject to
We rejoice in your example of living in joyful unity
Enable us, broken and fallible creatures
To follow your pattern and submit our will to your sovereignty
That our naturally rebellious nature might be
overruled by your generous gift of grace.

Thursday Evening Prayer
Father in heaven,
we come before you.

Lord Jesus,
we come before you.

Spirit of God,
we come before you.

Loving Father,
for the things this day that have brought us joy,
We give you thanks.

Healing Lord,
for the things this day that have brought us sorrow,
Bring peace.

Spirit of life,
in the closing of this day,
Give us rest.

Eternal and everlasting God,
from whom, through whom, and for whom all things in heaven and on earth are made,
be with your people this evening and grant that as we approach you in prayer we may be renewed in your Spirit.

A reading from the book of Psalms

A reading from the New Testament


Heavenly Father,
we pray this evening that the leaders of this world may be given wisdom over the decisions they face, that they may discern the brighter path.
Be with those in positions of power and strengthen their resolve to work towards a better world, whether waking or sleeping at this present moment.
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.

All praise to you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
and as this day comes to a close,
Lord, draw near.
Thursday Night Prayer

The day draws to a close
And the sky grows dark
The sun fades behind the horizon
And the moon takes its place in the sky
So let us pray, to hold before God
The day that has passed and the night to come.

Author of Eternity
As we approach
The end of this day
We are hungry to hear your voice
Make yourself known to us
We pray

As individuals and as a community we hold before God our regrets and our failings

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

I turn to Christ
I turn to Christ

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

A reading from the book of Psalms


A short reading from a Gospel


Space For Reflection

In the silence we hold before God the day now passing into history and we give thanks


Lord, for this day
We give you thanks

Lord, for the moments when we encountered grace and beauty
We give you thanks

Lord, for conversations that have made an impact on our lives
We give you thanks

Lord, for the times when we have seen you at work
We give you thanks

In the silence we hold before God the hurts of the past day


Lord, we remember the times when we have not shown love through our thoughts, words and actions
We seek forgiveness

Lord, we remember the times when we have been hurt by the words and actions of others
Help us to forgive

Lord, we remember the times when we have been distracted from seeking after you
Lord, make yourself known to us, help us to see you in the midst of the noise and clamour of this world

In the silence we hold before God tomorrow and the opportunities it bears


Lord, we pray that your Holy Spirit would guide us into the ways of righteousness
That you would give us strength for the journey

Lord, you know the shape of our lives at this time, you know the delights we enjoy and the pressures we endure.
Guide us and give us wisdom to know your will, strengthen our resolve to discern your call.

Lord, make yourself known to us in the daily pattern of our lives,
Help us to see the fruit borne out of small actions

Lord, help us to live faithfully amidst uncertainty,
Fortify us to be followers in your Way

Lord, help us to not live as autonomous units,
But as fellow travellers on a journey.

Lord, build up the community of which we are part,
And shape it around the cross of your Son Jesus Christ.

Lord, as we sleep tonight, may we rest in the knowledge of your relentless love
When we wake tomorrow, may we be prepared for all that lies ahead

The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.

Author of Eternity
Give us rest
Assure us of your love
And help us to sleep
Safe in the knowledge of your glory

Friday Morning Prayer

We gather to meet with God
Father, Son and Holy Spirit

To give God praise
And to seek God’s face

To bring before God all our days
And every part of our lives

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, draw near to us
As we draw near to you.


As individuals and as a community we hold before God our regrets and our failings

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

I turn to Christ
I turn to Christ

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

Lord Jesus
You bear good news for the poor
You set captives free
You give sight to the blind
You liberate the oppressed
Release us, your people
To live our lives
For your glory
And for the good of your Kingdom

A reading from the book of Psalms


A reading from the Old Testament


We hold before God prisons and young offenders institutions. We pray for organisations and individuals working to support inmates and those soon to be released from incarceration. We pray for those involved in restorative justice programmes. We pray for prison systems all over the world, remembering especially corrupt prison systems and death row inmates. We pray also for those imprisoned for their political views, their ethnicity, their sexuality and their religion.


The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.

Father, Son and Holy Spirit
In you there is freedom
Give us grace to spend our days
Living for your glory
And help us this day
To bear witness to your Kingdom
In all that we say and do
And as the week begins to draw to a close
Help us to find our rest in you

Friday Mid-day Prayer

We gather to meet with God
Father, Son and Holy Spirit

To be aware of your presence in our day
For you Lord are here now; your Spirit dwells within us

To bring you our worship
And offer you our praise

To be conscious that you walk beside us
And we do not make the journey alone

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, draw near to us
As we draw near to you


As individuals and as a community we hold before God our regrets and our failings

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

I turn to Christ
I turn to Christ

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

Jesus Christ, Son of a humble carpenter,
Familiar with the joys and pains of the human journey
You identify with us in all stages of our making.
You are one with your creation, though we are rough hewn and knotted
Plane out our imperfections, and hone us with a Craftsman’s hands:
Bring us one day to completion in You


A reading from a Gospel

For families – whatever shape they exist in. For parents/carers/grandparents/godparents/mentors/muses/examples of healthy holy living.


The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.


Father, Son and Holy Spirit
We take courage and receive strength
from our nurturing as your children in the family of faith
Develop our true potential; use our adoption
as sons and daughters of the Living God
As a springboard of confidence
Which launches us into society, with sleeves rolled up
Ready for honest work and service
For your Kingdom’s sake.

Friday Evening Prayer

God of love,
be near.

Lord of love,
be near.

Spirit of love,
be near.


Loving Father,
for the things this day that have brought us joy,
We give you thanks.

Healing Lord,
for the things this day that have brought us sorrow,
Bring peace.

Spirit of life,
in the closing of this day,
Give us rest.

Loving God,
who knows the depths of the hearts of your people, and yet through grace and mercy loves us still,
we ask that as this week draws to a close you provide rest and calm as the worries and troubles of the week gone by are brought before you.

A reading from the book of Psalms

A reading from the New Testament


Heavenly Father,
in times of joy and sorrow we remember you and your works.
We therefore pray for our loved ones, remembering you in all the situations and relationships we have engaged with through the course of this week and will continue to over the coming days, and give thanks for all that you have provided.

The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.

All praise to you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
and as this day comes to a close,
Lord, draw near.

Friday Night Prayer

The day draws to a close
And the sky grows dark
The sun fades behind the horizon
And the moon takes its place in the sky
So let us pray, to hold before God
The day that has passed and the night to come.

Eternal God
The trappings of this life
Cloud our hearts and minds,
By your Holy Spirit
Help us to lay down
All that is unhelpful
That in you we might find solace

As individuals and as a community we hold before God our regrets and our failings

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

I turn to Christ
I turn to Christ

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

A reading from the book of Psalms


A short reading from a Gospel


Space For Reflection

In the silence we hold before God the day now passing into history and we give thanks


Lord, for this day
We give you thanks

Lord, for the moments when we encountered grace and beauty
We give you thanks

Lord, for conversations that have made an impact on our lives
We give you thanks

Lord, for the times when we have seen you at work
We give you thanks

In the silence we hold before God the hurts of the past day


Lord, we remember the times when we have not shown love through our thoughts, words and actions
We seek forgiveness

Lord, we remember the times when we have been hurt by the words and actions of others
Help us to forgive

Lord, we remember the times when we have been distracted from seeking after you
Lord, make yourself known to us, help us to see you in the midst of the noise and clamour of this world

In the silence we hold before God tomorrow and the opportunities it bears


Lord, we pray that your Holy Spirit would guide us into the ways of righteousness
That you would give us strength for the journey

Lord, you know the shape of our lives at this time, you know the delights we enjoy and the pressures we endure.
Guide us and give us wisdom to know your will, strengthen our resolve to discern your call.

Lord, make yourself known to us in the daily pattern of our lives,
Help us to see the fruit borne out of small actions

Lord, help us to live faithfully amidst uncertainty,
Fortify us to be followers in your Way

Lord, help us to not live as autonomous units,
But as fellow travellers on a journey.

Lord, build up the community of which we are part,
And shape it around the cross of your Son Jesus Christ.

Lord, as we sleep tonight, may we rest in the knowledge of your relentless love
When we wake tomorrow, may we be prepared for all that lies ahead

The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.

Eternal God
Guide our weary hearts and minds
Into your rest
That we would sleep deeply
And wake
Ready to serve you
In all that follows

Saturday Morning Prayer

We gather to meet with God
Father, Son and Holy Spirit

To give God praise
And to seek God’s face

To bring before God all our days
And every part of our lives

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, draw near to us
As we draw near to you.


As individuals and as a community we hold before God our regrets and our failings

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

I turn to Christ
I turn to Christ

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

Lord Jesus
Living Word
You were present at the beginning of creation
And you will be present
At the coming together of all things
Help us to never lose sight
Of the blessings you pour out
And the gifts that you give
Strengthen us to live as your disciples

A reading from the book of Psalms


A reading from the Old Testament


We remember before God the trafficked and the enslaved. We pray for those held against their will in relationships of systemic and systematic abuse. We pray for all those who are mistreated at work and those whose working conditions are unsafe, illegal and immoral. We remember our role as consumers. Help us to make wise choices as we buy goods and commodities. Remind us to shop ethically. Help us to make our voices heard through the way in which we spend.


The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.

Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Transform us and renew us
Set us free to live our lives for you
That we might be bearers of your love
And poets of your Kingdom
Send us out to witness to your wonder

Saturday Mid-day Prayer

We gather to meet with God
Father, Son and Holy Spirit

To be aware of your presence in our day
For you Lord are here now; your Spirit dwells within us

To bring you our worship
And offer you our praise

To be conscious that you walk beside us
And we do not make the journey alone

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, draw near to us
As we draw near to you


As individuals and as a community we hold before God our regrets and our failings

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

I turn to Christ
I turn to Christ

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

Wild Goose; holy untamed spirit of our longing,
You challenge us to be discontent with comfort
secure repetition, and slothful ease;
To spread our wings and fly in new directions
Lifted by the thermal winds of faith.
Mysterious heavenly bird, we will follow you -
Show us how to navigate the skyward path.


A reading from a Gospel

For all who respond to the call to serve beyond their comfort zones
Missionaries/Church Planters / Aid Workers/Army Chaplains/Medics abroad/Gap Year Students.


The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.


Father, son and Holy Spirit
Thank you for your belief in us
That we your people may be repainted
into icons of your own fashioning
And reflect the image of your glory in the world
Remind us that we look into your holy face each time we meet
any of our brothers and sisters in need
You opened up your arms like wings outspread
On the cross, for us, for all.
Examen us.

Saturday Evening Prayer

God our creator,
make us new.

Lord of life,
make us new.

Spirit of life,
make us new.


Loving Father,
for the things this day that have brought us joy,
We give you thanks.

Healing Lord,
for the things this day that have brought us sorrow,
Bring peace.

Spirit of life,
in the closing of this day,
Give us rest.

Almighty and everlasting God,
who brings beauty from ashes and moulds life from the dirt,
we offer these prayers and words as a sign of thanks for all that you have done and continue to do in your world.

A reading from the book of Psalms

A reading from the New Testament


Heavenly Father,
at the closing of this day we give thanks for all the blessing you pour out over us, but remember those who struggle to feel your blessing in their lives.
Be with the lonely and the grieving at this time and provide them with comfort and awareness of your presence, that their hearts and minds may be given new life.

The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.

All praise to you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
and as this day comes to a close,
Lord, draw near.

Saturday Night Prayer

The day draws to a close
And the sky grows dark
The sun fades behind the horizon
And the moon takes its place in the sky
So let us pray, to hold before God
The day that has passed and the night to come.

Almighty Saviour
The day has brought delights and challenges
Guide us into your peace
Refocus our hearts and minds on you
That we might be refreshed

As individuals and as a community we hold before God our regrets and our failings

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

I turn to Christ
I turn to Christ

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

A reading from the book of Psalms


A short reading from a Gospel


Space For Reflection

In the silence we hold before God the day now passing into history and we give thanks


Lord, for this day
We give you thanks

Lord, for the moments when we encountered grace and beauty
We give you thanks

Lord, for conversations that have made an impact on our lives
We give you thanks

Lord, for the times when we have seen you at work
We give you thanks

In the silence we hold before God the hurts of the past day


Lord, we remember the times when we have not shown love through our thoughts, words and actions
We seek forgiveness

Lord, we remember the times when we have been hurt by the words and actions of others
Help us to forgive

Lord, we remember the times when we have been distracted from seeking after you
Lord, make yourself known to us, help us to see you in the midst of the noise and clamour of this world

In the silence we hold before God tomorrow and the opportunities it bears


Lord, we pray that your Holy Spirit would guide us into the ways of righteousness
That you would give us strength for the journey

Lord, you know the shape of our lives at this time, you know the delights we enjoy and the pressures we endure.
Guide us and give us wisdom to know your will, strengthen our resolve to discern your call.

Lord, make yourself known to us in the daily pattern of our lives,
Help us to see the fruit borne out of small actions

Lord, help us to live faithfully amidst uncertainty,
Fortify us to be followers in your Way

Lord, help us to not live as autonomous units,
But as fellow travellers on a journey.

Lord, build up the community of which we are part,
And shape it around the cross of your Son Jesus Christ.

Lord, as we sleep tonight, may we rest in the knowledge of your relentless love
When we wake tomorrow, may we be prepared for all that lies ahead

The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.

Almighty Saviour
As we close our eyes
At the ending of this busy day
Help us to lay everything down
And simply sleep
Safe in the knowledge of your wondrous love

Sunday Morning Prayer

We gather to meet with God
Father, Son and Holy Spirit

To give God praise
And to seek God’s face

To bring before God all our days
And every part of our lives

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, draw near to us
As we draw near to you.


As individuals and as a community we hold before God our regrets and our failings

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

I turn to Christ
I turn to Christ

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

Lord Jesus
We are global citizens
Living in a world of boundless potential
And a world of violence and inequality
As we begin this new day
Help us to live out our calling
As your followers

A reading from the book of Psalms


A reading from the Old Testament


We pray for the world. We pray for those places devastated by war and oppression. We pray for aid agencies, for charities and for organizations that seek the transformation of injustice. We remember the globalized nature of the world and hold before God the complexity of international relations in this globalized world. We remember before God our role as world citizens and consumers.


The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.

Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Send us out to live lives that glorify you
Help us to be people of peace
Empower us to recognize your call
In our families
In our communities
In our work places and schools
In our churches and in our world

Sunday Mid-day Prayer

We gather to meet with God
Father, Son and Holy Spirit

To be aware of your presence in our day
For you Lord are here now; your Spirit dwells within us

To bring you our worship
And offer you our praise

To be conscious that you walk beside us
And we do not make the journey alone

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, draw near to us
As we draw near to you


As individuals and as a community we hold before God our regrets and our failings

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

I turn to Christ
I turn to Christ

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

Heavenly Father, we rest in your presence today
To be made fit for your purpose.
As your beloved Apostle John did,
We lay our heads on your breast,
Our weary arms enveloped by yours.
Whisper the words we long to hear: ‘Be at Peace’
For work is laid aside today.


A reading from a Gospel

For Churches in their various forms/ for the Saints of God – alive or dead in Christ - lauded or unaccredited – for their example and inspiration


The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.


Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
We thank you for your living Word
By which we are nourished and made strong.
Empower and embolden us with all that is good;
Teach us to be faithful to what we believe;
May we drink in the wine of the Holy Spirit that you may
Transplant your passion for all people into our hearts.

Sunday Evening Prayer

Father God,
We rest in you.

Jesus the Son,
We rest in you.

Holy Spirit,
We rest in you.


Loving Father,
for the things this day that have brought us joy,
We give you thanks.

Healing Lord,
for the things this day that have brought us sorrow,
Bring peace.

Spirit of life,
in the closing of this day,
Give us rest.

O God,
you create all things, drawing them to yourself. You made time, space, and matter from nothing, and yet through you they are given life and meaning.
May the words of these prayers, brought from nothing, rise to you as a sufficient offering of praise and thanksgiving.

A reading from the books of Psalms

A reading from the New Testament


Heavenly Lord,
as the curtain is drawn on the week just passed, and the spotlight turns to the week ahead, we pray that you would be the light that illuminates our lives.
Guide, strengthen, and empower your people in the coming week, to live and work for your praise and glory.

The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.

All praise to you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
and as this day comes to a close,
Lord, draw near.

Sunday Night Prayer

The day draws to a close
And the sky grows dark
The sun fades behind the horizon
And the moon takes its place in the sky
So let us pray, to hold before God
The day that has passed and the night to come.

Beautiful Creator
The earth and eternity delight in you
Creation sings of your glory
As we lay down the tasks of this day
Help us to turn to you
For you deserve praise
And in you rest is found

As individuals and as a community we hold before God our regrets and our failings

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

I turn to Christ
I turn to Christ

We turn to Christ
We turn to Christ

A reading from the book of Psalms


A short reading from a Gospel


Space For Reflection

In the silence we hold before God the day now passing into history and we give thanks


Lord, for this day
We give you thanks

Lord, for the moments when we encountered grace and beauty
We give you thanks

Lord, for conversations that have made an impact on our lives
We give you thanks

Lord, for the times when we have seen you at work
We give you thanks

In the silence we hold before God the hurts of the past day


Lord, we remember the times when we have not shown love through our thoughts, words and actions
We seek forgiveness

Lord, we remember the times when we have been hurt by the words and actions of others
Help us to forgive

Lord, we remember the times when we have been distracted from seeking after you
Lord, make yourself known to us, help us to see you in the midst of the noise and clamour of this world

In the silence we hold before God tomorrow and the opportunities it bears


Lord, we pray that your Holy Spirit would guide us into the ways of righteousness
That you would give us strength for the journey

Lord, you know the shape of our lives at this time, you know the delights we enjoy and the pressures we endure.
Guide us and give us wisdom to know your will, strengthen our resolve to discern your call.

Lord, make yourself known to us in the daily pattern of our lives,
Help us to see the fruit borne out of small actions

Lord, help us to live faithfully amidst uncertainty,
Fortify us to be followers in your Way

Lord, help us to not live as autonomous units,
But as fellow travellers on a journey.

Lord, build up the community of which we are part,
And shape it around the cross of your Son Jesus Christ.

Lord, as we sleep tonight, may we rest in the knowledge of your relentless love
When we wake tomorrow, may we be prepared for all that lies ahead

The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.

Beautiful Creator
Aide us as we seek to sleep
Walk with us into the dark of night
And on into the breaking light of morning
And beyond

Published 2015 by Dot Woods, Josh Walker, Tim Watson

Copyright of liturgies
© Dot Woods, Josh Walker, Tim Watson

Cover design: Tim Watson

The content is licensed under a creative commons attribution – non-commercial – sharealike 2.0 license. In practice this means the authors grant permission for these liturgies to be used and remixed creatively and with imagination for non-commercial purposes. Please attribute the work to the authors.

For any other use please contact the authors via or

for fellow pilgrims on the journey of faith

For many hundreds of years daily rhythms of prayer have helped shape Christian communities. Monastic daily prayers (daily offices) have been said and sung across the world with these regular times of prayer and scripture reading rooting communities in the life of faith.
To this day, the use of daily prayer liturgies is foundational across many Christian denominations, while other groups of Christians are beginning to see the benefit of such forms of prayer. Daily liturgical prayer is especially finding a new resonance amongst emerging churches and communities self-identifying as new monastic.

Lighting Beacons: a liturgy for life has been written to help people engage with prayer on a daily basis. The rhythm of prayer has been written to be accessible and challenging, yet not overbearing. There are many different books of daily prayer liturgies and the authors of Lighting Beacons delight in the variety available. With this in mind, we have written these liturgies with a number of hopes:
  • that Lighting Beacons will help those new to liturgical daily prayer to take their first steps into this type of praying
  • that Lighting Beacons will enrich the diet of those who are used to daily prayer and like to make use of different resources from time to time
  • that Lighting Beacons might be something of a “refresher” for those for whom daily prayer has become too much of a burden
  • that Lighting Beacons might help churches and communities to form a rhythm of prayer
  • that Lighting Beacons would be adapted and remixed, altered and re-written to help specific communities in specific times and in specific places
  • that Lighting Beacons would be used by individuals and communities as a single volume book of liturgies whereby every week the community or individual starts at the beginning of the book on Monday morning and prays their way through the book until Sunday night, ready to go back to the beginning and start again. There is no need for numerous ribbons or volumes. One book and one bookmark can suffice
Each day of Lighting Beacons contains four services of prayer:
  • Morning Prayer: written to be used at the beginning of the day, on the train, at breakfast or as a community before the working day starts
  • Mid-Day Prayer: written to be used in the lunch or coffee break. This liturgy is written to take less time than the others and can be used flexibly
  • Evening Prayer: written to be used at the end of the ‘working day’ (for many) in a community, or for example on the train home
  • Night Prayer: written to be used as a last act during the day. Individuals might use these prayers before turning out the bedroom light, while a church or community might hold a candle-lit, quiet and reflective nightly service
It is important to note that this is merely the first volume of Lighting Beacons. The hope is that at some time this volume will be replaced with a volume that includes seasonal variations. This volume is most definitely a work in progress and the authors have specifically decided to publish the volume with Creative Commons Licensing. This is to enable and encourage creative expression in adapting the liturgies and the non-commercial reproduction of the work so that they can most effectively be used by churches and individuals in a format that suits the context.
Physical copies of Lighting Beacons are available online at cost price from
An online version of Lighting Beacons can also be found at

To find out more about where to source Lighting Beacons, and for news on updates to the liturgy, please visit
Some guidance notes for using the liturgies can be found at the end of the book on page 159.
We hope and pray that these prayers might help you in your journey with Christ, as disciples in his Way.

Dot Woods, Josh Walker, Tim Watson

Notes On The Liturgies
  • Lighting Beacons has been written to be used by individuals and also by small groups, communities and churches. There are repeating elements that can be found in most of the services of prayer. Three out of four of the services contain confessions that include a response that addresses a group of people “We turn to Christ” as well as individuals, “I turn to Christ”. This has been deliberately done to remind the person praying that whether praying alone or as part of a larger group, we come to Christ as individuals, but also as parts of his body, the Church
  • If the liturgies are being used in a community, a service leader will say the majority of the words, while the rest of the group will respond with any words written in bold
  • Each liturgy includes the Lord’s Prayer, as a unifying call to remind the person praying that they are united with the wider church and with Christ as they pray
  • Each liturgy has been written to follow a repeating pattern, so that for example, each evening prayer is similar, with some differences each day, this is to allow the person praying to relax into the rhythm of prayer, that it might become familiar and in doing so, more helpful
  • While Lighting Beacons suggests what type of Biblical readings might happen in each service, it does not provide a scheme of readings (a lectionary), as our hope is that the rhythm of prayer finds use in churches that follow different patterns of Bible reading. The authors are also aware that individuals may be following their own pattern of Bible reading. The authors also hope that as individuals use the liturgies, they are enabled and encouraged to read from different parts of the Bible each day - to form a pattern of daily reading that fits
  • Each service of prayer has been written to be light enough to be flexible so that with Bible readings it might take between 5 and 20 minutes - with flexibility given to the individual or community to work out how much of the Bible is read and how the intercessions are organized
  • Everyday ends with Night Prayer, which includes periods of reflection on the day that has just passed. This type of reflection is often called an Examen and can be a helpful way to pause at the end of each day to recognise God’s workings in the world

Dot Woods - Mid-day Prayer
Josh Walker - Evening Prayer
Tim Watson - Morning Prayer & Night Prayer